Pic Collage is a fun, easy to use app for creating picture collages from the photos on your iPad. A lot of teachers seem to overlook this app because it looks like a fun way to create collages of your family and friends, but really it has great educational uses too. Students can create collages showing what they saw and learned on field trips or during classroom presentations, show examples from science fair projects or add to their classroom reports, create book reports focusing on characters or story elements. The list just goes on. These girls created posters on their iPads about books they have read for their Battle of the Books competition in 4th grade! Click Here to download the iPad App of the Week Check out these examples of PicCollage projects from other classrooms: Pixels and Paintbrushes
Wife. Mom, Grandma, Teacher. Ed Tech Enthusiast. I spent many years as a technology integrating classroom teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist at a school district in Phoenix. I am still a digital learning specialist and trainer. I love sharing ideas, resources, and ed tech goodness. Hope you find something interesting and useful! Click on the 3 lines in the top right of the page for more.