Welcome to a new school year and some great updates from Seesaw. The Seesaw team has been busy this summer revamping their interface and adding more and more features for both students and teachers. And there is more coming! More options for students to Create. Reflect. Seesaw. Here's a little over view: Seesaw has completely updated the Drawing Canvas. It is wider, more full screen. There are new pen tools - a pencil, marker, highlighter, eraser, and check out the Glow Pen! You can add backgrounds and shapes - even pattern block shapes and base ten blocks. Shapes can be rotated, resized, duplicated, and colors can be changed. Backgrounds Shapes The new n...
Wife. Mom, Grandma, Teacher. Ed Tech Enthusiast. I spent many years as a technology integrating classroom teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist at a school district in Phoenix. I am still a digital learning specialist and trainer. I love sharing ideas, resources, and ed tech goodness. Hope you find something interesting and useful! Click on the 3 lines in the top right of the page for more.