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Showing posts from February, 2017

Memes in the Classroom

Memes are everywhere today in our culture - sometimes humorous, sometimes educational, sometimes philosophical or political. Memes are ideas, behaviors, or styles that spread from person to person within a culture often via the Internet ( ). They have become mainstream - a dominant trend in our culture. During a recent professional learning community, teachers were introduced to the idea of using memes in the classroom - created by both them and their students. These teachers knew a lot about memes but we wanted them to start thinking about different ways to use them for student presentations, sharing thoughts and ideas, or to show learning and understanding of concepts. 6 Ways to Learn Through Memes: 5 Ways to Use Memes with Students: The time really was two-fold though. We also wanted to introduce them to the ...

Photos For Class - The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class!

Want students to use great photos to enhance their projects but want them to follow copyright rules? Photos for Class is a student friendly website with images appropriate for the school setting. Each image is automatically cited and has Creative Commons licensing for public use. Here's a great example of a reptile photo. Check out Photos for Class: Enjoy!