Digital Storytelling is a pretty hot topic right now and there are so many tools and resources out there for creating Digital Stories. Many are web based and there are lots and lots of apps. Some of the iPads apps we are using include Shadow Puppet EDU, 30 Hands, Videolicious, StoryKit, or Animoto. One of the other tools teachers and students have used is the iMovie Trailer feature to create digital stories in our 1:1 iPad classrooms. iMovie trailers are much like movie trailers that you would see at a movie theater prior to viewing a movie. They are used to entice you to want to see an upcoming movies. iMovie's Trailer feature is very similar. These are short videos created using a variety of different available templates. Usually iMovie Trailers showcase an event or happening in someone's life, such as a special vacation, graduation, or birthday. I created a couple of iMovie Trailers as Father's Day presentations for my husband and son! Teachers could create an...
Wife. Mom, Grandma, Teacher. Ed Tech Enthusiast. I spent many years as a technology integrating classroom teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist at a school district in Phoenix. I am still a digital learning specialist and trainer. I love sharing ideas, resources, and ed tech goodness. Hope you find something interesting and useful! Click on the 3 lines in the top right of the page for more.