Well it has been a month since we returned from the ISTE Conference in San Antonio. I think it has taken that much time to come down out of the cloud of excitement after the conference. It really was one of the best I have attended. There were excellent keynote speakers, energizing sessions, lots of good connections with other ed tech friends. and much more. It was also exciting because two of our flip classroom teachers we with us and we did a presentation on flipping the elementary classroom! Here are some of the highlights: Biggest highlight for us? Probably our presentation. We were in a huge ballroom set up for 400 attendees. I have to say that is the largest audience I have presented to thus far in my career! It went very smoothly and we were able to share lots of good information. Jane McGonigal and Adam Bellow began and ended the conference with their inspiring keynotes. Jane spoke to everyone about gaming and how is stimulate the brain. Adam ended the conf...
Wife. Mom, Grandma, Teacher. Ed Tech Enthusiast. I spent many years as a technology integrating classroom teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist at a school district in Phoenix. I am still a digital learning specialist and trainer. I love sharing ideas, resources, and ed tech goodness. Hope you find something interesting and useful! Click on the 3 lines in the top right of the page for more.