As the third year of Project iAchieve begins, several new teachers will be joining the team. Prior to the start of school we were able to provide two full days of training for both the continuing and the new project teachers. The two day training covered management of the iPods and cart, syncing, procedures, oral reading fluency practice, and using many of the new apps that were added for the year. The teachers were also given new document cameras to use in their classrooms, as well as a new teacher iPod. Everyone is very excited about beginning a new year with the iPods and all of the great learning that will take place in their classrooms.
Wife. Mom, Grandma, Teacher. Ed Tech Enthusiast. I spent many years as a technology integrating classroom teacher and Instructional Technology Specialist at a school district in Phoenix. I am still a digital learning specialist and trainer. I love sharing ideas, resources, and ed tech goodness. Hope you find something interesting and useful! Click on the 3 lines in the top right of the page for more.